Batching? Are we cooking? Nope – we’re taking on something that comes right after prioritizing / triaging. What we want to accomplish is putting like tasks next to each other in our schedule so that we’re not mentally hopping back and forth and wasting time.
I know, from personal experience, that this may not sound super important.
For a long time I didn’t pay attention to it because I felt like everything was going fine. And then I decided to try it one day when I was a little overloaded.
Guess what? It’s REALLY effective and helps you stay on task, get more done, and work more “deeply”. What do I mean by “deeply”? Check out this book – Deep Work (I’ll record a video discussing this in the future).
This is one that you really have to try first and you’ll appreciate the power. When you’re crunched for time try it – write out your tasks, prioritize, and group / batch.
You’ll be happy you did, and you’ll get more done which is the point, right?