Todoist Solutions & Quick Start Guide
You’ve downloaded the Todoist app, you’ve created some tasks, but wondering how to get the most out of this powerful app?
Good news, you’re not alone and you’re just minutes from having a great understanding of what you can do with this great productivity and time management tool.
It doesn’t matter if you’re on Android, iOS, desktop PC – you can get going fast with these commonly asked questions and general overview.
Ok, let’s get started!
Recurring Tasks
Getting recurring tasks set up correctly really let’s you start using the power of Todoist – if you’re not doing this (or doing it right!) then you’re really missing out…more details here.
For even more power, get access to the FREE Todoist Powerup Training
Saving Attachments – For Free
Saving files and attachments is something that is only possible with the paid premium app, or is it? This is a great way to handle all of your files you need without having to pay for the premium version if you don’t need it for another reason. More details here.
Subtasks & Projects
Another great feature is subtasks and using them for projects. You can better arrange your todo items and do things like make a top level item not easily deleted (very handy!). More details here.
Using The Asterisk
Using the asterisk in Todoist – sounds really fun, right? Ok, maybe it doesn’t sound fun, but it is really useful – check out the video and see what you can do with it. More details here on using the asterisk.
Viewing Completed Tasks
Sometimes you need to see that task again, or maybe you marked it complete just a little bit too early – it happens to all of us. However, it’s not gone forever. More details here.
Ready To Go Further? Get Access To My Free Todoist Powerup Training
Using IFTTT With Gmail & Todoist
This one is super cool and saves me a ton of time and headaches with “lost” emails. It’s also a great way to stop working from your inbox and keep that lovely inbox zero going. Sound good? It is! More details on IFTTT, Gmail, and Todoist here.
Avoiding Automatic Dates Assignment
Todoist can automatically assign dates based on what you type – and it is the default. It can be super effective but there are times you may not want that…what should you do then? Watch the video and find out – and you can see more here.
Location Based (GPS) Reminders
Are you using Todoist premium? If so, you’re in luck – you can set up geographical based reminders! More details here.
Todoist Overview
Not sure if Todoist is for you and just checking out some information to make up your mind? Start with this video.
Do you have requests or ideas for more Todoist productivity training? Reach out via the Real World Productivity Facebook group and let me know.